Bloomreach - IPO Prep

Bloomreach’s DXP uses AI & machine learning to analyze customer behavior. Using those preferences it delivers personalized content, search results, and recommendations. The platform also includes content management and merchandising tools to help businesses manage and optimize their digital content and e-commerce strategies.

What We Did

TechCrunch / Forbes / Adweek
Creative Concepting

by the numbers

Total potential reach
Estimated Actual Reach
Estimated Ad Equivalency Value (AVE)

As term sheets for a $175 million Series F funding round were about to be signed, Bloomreach had a big problem: Nobody knew about one of the biggest e-commerce personalization suites in the world powering hundreds of the most-loved e-comm and D2C brands. We set out to change that with a PR campaign on the heels of a huge funding round.

PR / Earned Media

Content Marketing Concept

Bloom Shop takes tailor made to the next level. This limited experience features a broad spectrum of offerings. The trendiest shoes, jackets, hats, home accessories, and pet friendly gear.

The best part is everything in customizable. Want some chain stitching on your new hoodie? Done. Want a custom Oxford Pendant? Done. Want a local artist to make your new Jordans pop? Done.

Like Bloomreach, this is a customized experience tailor made for you. 

It’s like magic.

Just one ad, for one product, for one type of consumer? Nope. Our interactive board recognizes users as they pass by. Through the swirl of products a custom greeting will appear, giving the user an opportunity to interact. 

Our magic wall makes recommendations, in real time, for items they’re interested in. They can navigate through their custom feed and even make purchases.

Like Bloomreach, this experience cuts through the noise and creates a one of a kind shopping experience.

Wow. Not even close. 

Inverting the idea of ‘tailored to you,’ the ‘Not You’ mirror is just that. Our digital wall will feature a person in the ad that is defiantly not you. It reacts like you. Moves like you. Walks like you. Interacts with you, but … you get the idea.

While it’s jarring to look into a ‘mirror’ and see someone that isn’t you. That’s the point. 

Bloomreach is all about you. The actual you.